I have been reading a lot of things about manifesting recently. Manifesting is getting what it is you want and why. I realized however that manifesting is a major commitment. If one really wants something to happen in the world, then one needs to become clear with the creator, get connected and really commit to believing that it will happen.
Manifesting is a simple process. It takes commitment however, as you need to truly understand and believe that whatever you want to have happen in your life, is truly possible. The power of the commitment is to have enough faith in knowing that you will get what it is you want, when you want it even if it is something that you think is totally out of your grasp.
Manifesting is also a significant focusing technique. The individual just needs to learn to follow through and stay focused on the outcome and not give up. Another tip for manifesting is to remember the universe's time for delivering may be different from your timing.
The key here is to give your dreams a time line that is broad based. Another tip I have learned is not to ask for money. For example; if it is money that you need, then abundance is what you want. The key to everything is to be committed to the asking and then recognizing the opportunities that are presented that start to lead you to your manifested outcome.
Here's an example. A number of years ago, I wrote down five things I wanted in my life on a piece of paper and put it in a drawer. Five years after that exercise I was moving into my new log house in the country and found this piece of paper. All five things that were written down on the piece of paper had been achieved without me really knowing it. I had forgotten that I even wrote them down and one of things was living in a log house in the country.
I believe now that I set the path then for the universe to help me by committing and writing down what is was I wanted and since I did not cancel my request, everything happened as it was supposed to.
So, if you just commit to manifesting what it is you want, then good things can
happen. You just need to become more aware them when they do. Also be careful for what you ask for as it will always show up. Its all about attitude and commitment.
Kensel Tracy is a Personal and Business Coach and is Senior Partner with the Corporate Coachworkz in Chelsea Quebec and Author of The Ten Commitments to a Better Life.
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