I was on my way back in the car from Toronto today and had a lot of time to think. I was thinking why some people get what it is they want and others are still not making the connection. The key to getting what it is you want I think, is keeping an open mind. Too often, what it is we want does not show up because we revert back to the our old thoughts. This causes us to doubt what it is that we want and then we just give up and move on to something else.
It's this one important commitment of keeping an open mind that will help us achieve our goals. For example, keeping an open mind, gives you more reasons why what it you are working on manifesting, will work. Keeping an open mind allows you to see the opportunities when they show up. Keeping an open mind lets you put lots of little clues together helping you to move more in the direction of your desire. So next time you are on the verge of doubting your want or reaching your goal, remember that doubt is the strongest tool there is . Doubt is beneficial when trying to throw an adversary off their game, but keeping an open mind and keeping the negatives away will help to move you in the direction of getting everything you want.
Kensel Tracy is a personal and business Coach and author of "The Ten Commitments to a Better Life". Order it now from Amazon.com
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