Commitment One - Commit To Becoming Incredibly SelfishHave you ever wanted to have a better life but did not know where to start. The "
Ten Commitments to a Better Life" have been designed to help you find your way. As human beings we are just here on the planet trying to find out who we are. In order to find out who you are, you need to know more about who you have become. Its quite possible that you have become someone other than who you are or want to be.
How did this happen? It happened because you have been taken off your true path and put on a path that is not you. You were born into the world as a perfect human being. Your parents, god bless them, did everything they could to make your life better or in some cases they did not.
Each of us then is shaped by the environment we have been brought up in. Throughout this part of your life you picked up a lot of bad habits that shaped your life. The reason you are searching now is -- you are quite literally off your path. Integrity is about being totally "you". Nothing more. To become more of who we are there needs to be some important work done in getting back on the path to total actualization. This takes some work.
The Ten Commitments to A Better Life are about helping you find your way back.
Each of us needs to get back to where were are supposed to be to follow our life mission. How can we do that? In the first commitment - Becoming Incredibly Selfish, we learn that we need to take a "self" or selfish approach to where we are now and to become more selfish or self directed for where we want to go.
This does not mean hurting or taking advantage of others, it mean becoming more self-focused and self-reliant on what it is we do and what it is we stand for.
By taking more interest in the "self" and less interest in others we are able to get a prospective on who it is we are and what it is we want to accomplish. We can then share that with others honestly. In looking deeper into where we came from, our past in completions or our past decisions that we made or were made for us, we are able to rationalize our current position about where we are right here, right now.
In doing this, we are able to open up the door to who it is we really are and not who we think we are. A life mission is about committing to what you want to do with your life. You thought you were doing it when you went to school or got a job and put a label on yourself. I am a doctor, lawyer, real estate agent, father, mother, secretary etc. However you are really none of those.
Those things are just what you are doing now. They are not you. You don't say I am a fully actualized human being living here on the planet with a life mission to help others grow and prosper, do you. However if you did, you would know that's how you want to live your life. That's how I live my life and that's why I wrote the
Ten Commitments to help you grow and prosper as a human being.
So the first Commitment - the art of becoming selfish is where you want to start on your quest to find yourself. Start committing to doing things for yourself. Give up anything that does not make you feel good. Get rid of friends that are stealing your energy or drag you down, they are energy thieves. Start taking an interest in your own well being, your health, what it is you eat, learn and who you hang out with. Do only those things you love. If you love it, it will love you back. You may find it hard to be alone at first, but start being your own best friend. Wake up in the morning and look closely at that person in the mirror. That is the physical body that hosts an amazing soul. You need to start to look at the inner self and realize that that inner self has a set of wants, needs, commitments and it will start to tell you as soon as you start to listen.
The first commitment then is to commit to becoming incredibly selfish.
Kensel Tracy is a Personal and Business Coach and Senior Partner in the Corporate Coachworkz Inc. located in Chelsea, Quebec.
His first book " The Ten Commitments to a Better Life" is available for $12.95 Canadian or U.S.funds plus shipping and handling. Get it at
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