Saturday, October 27, 2007

Commit to Keeping an Open Mind

I was on my way back in the car from Toronto today and had a lot of time to think. I was thinking why some people get what it is they want and others are still not making the connection. The key to getting what it is you want I think, is keeping an open mind. Too often, what it is we want does not show up because we revert back to the our old thoughts. This causes us to doubt what it is that we want and then we just give up and move on to something else.

It's this one important commitment of keeping an open mind that will help us achieve our goals. For example, keeping an open mind, gives you more reasons why what it you are working on manifesting, will work. Keeping an open mind allows you to see the opportunities when they show up. Keeping an open mind lets you put lots of little clues together helping you to move more in the direction of your desire. So next time you are on the verge of doubting your want or reaching your goal, remember that doubt is the strongest tool there is . Doubt is beneficial when trying to throw an adversary off their game, but keeping an open mind and keeping the negatives away will help to move you in the direction of getting everything you want.

Kensel Tracy is a personal and business Coach and author of "The Ten Commitments to a Better Life". Order it now from

Monday, October 22, 2007

Commit to Manifesting What it is You Want

I have been reading a lot of things about manifesting recently. Manifesting is getting what it is you want and why. I realized however that manifesting is a major commitment. If one really wants something to happen in the world, then one needs to become clear with the creator, get connected and really commit to believing that it will happen.

Manifesting is a simple process. It takes commitment however, as you need to truly understand and believe that whatever you want to have happen in your life, is truly possible. The power of the commitment is to have enough faith in knowing that you will get what it is you want, when you want it even if it is something that you think is totally out of your grasp.

Manifesting is also a significant focusing technique. The individual just needs to learn to follow through and stay focused on the outcome and not give up. Another tip for manifesting is to remember the universe's time for delivering may be different from your timing.

The key here is to give your dreams a time line that is broad based. Another tip I have learned is not to ask for money. For example; if it is money that you need, then abundance is what you want. The key to everything is to be committed to the asking and then recognizing the opportunities that are presented that start to lead you to your manifested outcome.

Here's an example. A number of years ago, I wrote down five things I wanted in my life on a piece of paper and put it in a drawer. Five years after that exercise I was moving into my new log house in the country and found this piece of paper. All five things that were written down on the piece of paper had been achieved without me really knowing it. I had forgotten that I even wrote them down and one of things was living in a log house in the country.

I believe now that I set the path then for the universe to help me by committing and writing down what is was I wanted and since I did not cancel my request, everything happened as it was supposed to.

So, if you just commit to manifesting what it is you want, then good things can
happen. You just need to become more aware them when they do. Also be careful for what you ask for as it will always show up. Its all about attitude and commitment.

Kensel Tracy is a Personal and Business Coach and is Senior Partner with the Corporate Coachworkz in Chelsea Quebec and Author of The Ten Commitments to a Better Life.
You can order it now at

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Committing to Inspired Action Helps You Get Want You Want

I was having coffee this morning with my wife in our morning coffee club. This is where we get up early and lay in bed with a coffee talking about our life together. Its the most important part of my day. I was telling her about the blog and how it was shaping up and she said that in her mind commitment was about taking inspired action to get what it is you want. I thought, wow she was right, the basis of every commitment is really about taking inspired action.

In order to get what you want and move your life forward all you need to do is take inspired actions. This can include any number of things such as more research or investigation, writing something down, meditating and asking for something, making key decisions, or just getting out and just doing it. Inspired action is about getting over the fear of the outcome and just getting yourself more engaged in what it is you want to do. Think about this today and make a commitment to take more inspired action towards what it is you want. When you do this you have better chance of getting what it is you want and need.

Kensel Tracy is a personal and business coach and is Senior Partner with the Corporate Coachworkz Inc.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Soul Destiny Helps You Commit to Discovering Wealth and Wisdom

I recently purchased a home study program called " Soul Destiny" because the title intrigued me. Little did I know that I was about to embark upon a unique journey of commitment.

"Soul Destiny" helps you to re-discover and manifest your inner soul destiny and transforms your thinking, opens up the possibilities and frees yourself from limiting beliefs, patterns and habits so that you can become all that you desire. The main commitment behind"Soul Destiny" is that you need to commit to meditation for a minimum of 15 minutes per day and keeping your Soul Destiny journal up to date.

The journal is a unique way to track your thoughts and opportunities that you receive or are presented to you from your daily meditations. I suggest often to my clients that they should keep a journal for special things such as wealth building opportunities, dreams and goals, gratitude or unique business building opportunities.

The "Soul Destiny" journal also uses mind maps to get you to visualize what it is that is important. It also uses diagrams as ways of connecting thoughts and ideas so you can see that you are not limited in you ability to see new things or opportunities which may or may not be connected.

Throughout the program you discover why you are here on the planet at this time and what it is you are here to be and do. Its a a powerful journey of human transformation and enlightenment.

The basis of the program is the brilliant work of Charles Haanel, called The Master Key System, written originally in 1913. The interesting thing is that Mr. Haanel describes the power of attraction in more detail than The Secret. His work, while thought to be an extraordinary and insightful look into the human condition, was kept from the majority of the public at the time of publishing as it was deemed as far too radical for public acceptance.

The program has been responsible for thousands of people discovering and or rediscovering and manifesting their life purpose. I have committed to learning more about myself with this program and it is having a major impact on my life.

So its that simple! Sometimes its that one simple commitment that can open up the door to amazing possibilities and change your life forever.

Kensel Tracy is a personal and business coach, for more information on Soul Destiny and to find out how to purchase your own Soul Destiny Home Study course send an email to

Attend a one day seminar on " Soul Destiny" in Toronto, December 1, 2007

Friday, October 19, 2007

Commit To Knowing Where you Want to Be

If you commit to knowing where you want to be you open the door to life. You are able to look more closely and with greater focus. Every day there are billions of transactions that take place on the planet. In order for you to be a part of these transactions and attract them to you. You need to tell the universe exactly where it is you want to be. You attract the things you want. The universe provides exactly what you ask for its that simple.

If you commit to knowing where you want to be and share that with others you have a better chance of getting what it is you want. By committing and focusing in on exactly where you want to be you can attract the things that are meaningful to you. What's more is you will know exactly what they are when they show up as you will be committed to them when they do. This simple step of committing to "knowing" where you want to be is one of the most significant steps in attracting all the things you want into your life. You will be amazed that once you commit and share your thoughts with others, some amazing things will happen. Get committed

Life is about commitment. So try to commit to knowing exactly where you want to be.

Kensel Tracy is the author of "The Ten Commitments to a Better Life" and you can get it at Amazon .com

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Abundance Can Happen as Long as You Commit to Something

I was thinking this morning about how abundant my life has become since I committed to seeing things differently. I used to be the type of person that never thought I had enough. Once I started to realize that I achieved everything I wanted just by committing to it my whole life changed. Abundance is about having enough and knowing you have enough. So how can you get to that place where you think you have enough.

Well having food, shelter, a car, friends, a job, good health the ability to walk, talk move around are all things we take for granted. I read on a web site somewhere that if you have money sitting in a jar or in a container on your desk or night table you are better off than 80% of the people in the world. That's an interesting statistic.

Most of us believe that even though we have everything we need more to be happy. I believe that you can find true happiness and therefore true abundance by becoming more of who you are and committing to keeping your commitments in life.
This means being aware, understanding, being balanced all the time and getting your personal needs met continuously. When one gets what one needs we then become more abundant.

Getting your needs met is about listening to your subconscious and committing to following what it is telling you. Too often we refuse to get our needs met and move away from our true in self and more towards what others want us to become. By not committing to what our inner self is telling us we get ourselves out of personal alignment. This lack of commitment to the inner self then does not allow us to get what it is we need and therefore we are continuously searching.

Abundance can be measured in many forms. Most of us still measure it in the form of material goods such as money or the accumulation of stuff. However by committing more to what your inner self is telling you on a continuous basis you start to feel as if you have it all because you no longer need a list of material things to feel abundant. Making a commitment to listening to your inner voice and getting your needs met continuously will allow you to discover those things that will help make you feel like you are living an abundant and happy life.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Attracting What You Want is About Making Commitments

By now you have heard about the power of attraction and the help the universe gives to you on an ongoing basis. The reason this works so well is, when you are more firmly committed to what it is you want, lots of good things happen.

For example, if you commit to having something clear and concise to happen to you, you have a better chance of achieving it, by committing to it rather than wishing or hoping it will happen.

Here is a perfect statement. I am committing to making more money and will get a new job this year that pays me more and makes me happy. This is a perfect commitment statement.

Commitment is also about intention. Commitment then is: making a firm decision with the intent of having something happen that brings about the outcome we desire.

In my book "The Ten Commitments to a Better Life", I ask the reader to commit to " knowing " that there is a power greater than the individual reading the book.

Knowing that there is a power that exists that is greater than you personally and committing to it, puts a powerful force behind everything now that you want to do.

Fear, worry, lack of courage all disappear just by making this one simple commitment. So, by knowing and committing to this thought, that there is a power greater than you and applying this thinking, it is like having a major partner helping you get what it is you want. We know we have the power around us and now we can apply our personal power giving us a better opportunity of achieving the proper outcome.

Its that simple. When one commits to knowing what one is looking for it usually shows up. Think about it, there are no mysteries in the world, everything happens because we are able to see it because we are committed to seeing it when it appears. Making a commitment allows us to see the sign posts guiding us to where it is want to be or to the things we want. Non commitment then -- leaves us still searching and wandering.

If you are not sure where you are going, any road will get you there. Most of us are usually on the wrong road most of the time because we don't commit to what road we want to take. Its this indecisiveness that keeps us off balance and gives us our lack of focus.

The truth is, life becomes easier when we are honest with what it is we really want and when one commits to something more meaningful. It gets easier to be in integrity and easier to live with more truths and less lies.

The lack of commitment also allows most humans to wander around aimlessly experimenting with life, but not really getting what it is they want because they are always searching and still doing what I call research. Research is great, however a some point you need to commit to what it is you want, where you want to be, and where you want to fit in. Its that simple. Once you do that, the universe has a clear understanding of what it is you want and then can proceed to help you in your quest.

Kensel Tracy is a personal and business coach, his first book "The Ten Commitments to a Better Life" can be ordered from

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Knowing Where you Fit In is a Major Commitment

Have you ever wondered why you can't get what it is you want. You keep trying a bunch of different approaches but you keep hitting a dead end. The key to moving your life forward and finding out what it is you want, is to "know" where you fit in. This does not mean having others tell you our manipulate you like they used to do in grade school.

Finding out where you fit in is a personal quest. For example, you have a lot of unique talents that you don't apply because you don't have the confidence to do what you know you can. Maybe you have an ability to write and don't write because you are not sure that others will read it or they will be critical of it.

In order to get yourself fully into integrity and attract the things you want, you need to "know"where you fit in. This is a simple step and requires a commitment to "knowing" where you fit in. Most people wander around in a daze or a cloud of maybe, wishing, hoping, without committing to " knowing" where it is they want to be and why. Fitting in means taking your skills and your talents and committing to them and then telling others.

For example if you play keyboards and you want to play in a band, you tell everyone that's what you want to do. Within a short period, someone will introduce you to someone else that needs a keyboard player, or you will notice an ad in the paper or a friend will say, I didn't know that's what you wanted, you should meet so and so.

So much of life is about commitment. Commitment is a firm place which can attract those things that move you forward.

Without committing to "knowing" where you want to be you give the universe mixed signals. Its hard for the universe to help you if you don't know what it is you want and why. As soon as you commit to knowing where you fit in, you give a clear signal and a clear indication to everyone around you that this is what you want to be and why. The universe also listens and starts moving everything in your direction.

The minute you waffle, you baffle the universe and anything that was coming your way is missed due to this missed communication. Commitment is about doing and saying what it is you want to do and staying with it. Committing to "knowing" where you fit in will help you get what you want and help the universe to help get what it is you need.

Kensel Tracy is a personal and business coach. His book "The Ten Commitments to a Better Life" can be ordered from

Monday, October 15, 2007

Making Commitments

The Power of Attraction -- is About Making a Commitment First

As human beings we have the opportunity to make as many commitments as we want to whatever we want. This is because we have " Free Will". Most of us are still lost on the planet because we over commit or do not commit to anything. We float along on the planet, wishing and hoping that things will come our way. Most of you have by now read the book " The Secret". This book says that you will attract what it is you want in life as long as you are committed to what it is you want. The truth is, that is as soon as you commit, the universe moves in the direction of your commitment. Lost opportunities are because you do not commit in the first place or are not sure what you are committed to. Its that simple. Making a formal commitment gives you a better chance of getting what it is you want. The same thing with life. If you commit to knowing where you want to be and where you fit in, then you have a better chance of finding out. Its that simple. In the book " The Ten Commitments to a Better Life" you are able to find out what it is you want and how to commit to getting it. The power of attraction is based upon your ability to commit to knowing what it is you want. You always get what you ask for and commit to its that simple.

Kensel Tracy is a personal and business coach and is a Senior Partner with the Corporate Coachworkz in Chelsea, Quebec. His first book "The Ten Commitments to a Better Life" can be ordered for $12.95 plus shipping and handling U.S. or Canadian Funds by sending an email to Once your cheque or money order is received your book will be sent to you, that's a commitment.

The Ten Commitments to a Better LIfe

Commitment One - Commit To Becoming Incredibly Selfish

Have you ever wanted to have a better life but did not know where to start. The "Ten Commitments to a Better Life" have been designed to help you find your way. As human beings we are just here on the planet trying to find out who we are. In order to find out who you are, you need to know more about who you have become. Its quite possible that you have become someone other than who you are or want to be.

How did this happen? It happened because you have been taken off your true path and put on a path that is not you. You were born into the world as a perfect human being. Your parents, god bless them, did everything they could to make your life better or in some cases they did not.

Each of us then is shaped by the environment we have been brought up in. Throughout this part of your life you picked up a lot of bad habits that shaped your life. The reason you are searching now is -- you are quite literally off your path. Integrity is about being totally "you". Nothing more. To become more of who we are there needs to be some important work done in getting back on the path to total actualization. This takes some work. The Ten Commitments to A Better Life are about helping you find your way back.

Each of us needs to get back to where were are supposed to be to follow our life mission. How can we do that? In the first commitment - Becoming Incredibly Selfish, we learn that we need to take a "self" or selfish approach to where we are now and to become more selfish or self directed for where we want to go.

This does not mean hurting or taking advantage of others, it mean becoming more self-focused and self-reliant on what it is we do and what it is we stand for.

By taking more interest in the "self" and less interest in others we are able to get a prospective on who it is we are and what it is we want to accomplish. We can then share that with others honestly. In looking deeper into where we came from, our past in completions or our past decisions that we made or were made for us, we are able to rationalize our current position about where we are right here, right now.

In doing this, we are able to open up the door to who it is we really are and not who we think we are. A life mission is about committing to what you want to do with your life. You thought you were doing it when you went to school or got a job and put a label on yourself. I am a doctor, lawyer, real estate agent, father, mother, secretary etc. However you are really none of those.

Those things are just what you are doing now. They are not you. You don't say I am a fully actualized human being living here on the planet with a life mission to help others grow and prosper, do you. However if you did, you would know that's how you want to live your life. That's how I live my life and that's why I wrote the Ten Commitments to help you grow and prosper as a human being.

So the first Commitment - the art of becoming selfish is where you want to start on your quest to find yourself. Start committing to doing things for yourself. Give up anything that does not make you feel good. Get rid of friends that are stealing your energy or drag you down, they are energy thieves. Start taking an interest in your own well being, your health, what it is you eat, learn and who you hang out with. Do only those things you love. If you love it, it will love you back. You may find it hard to be alone at first, but start being your own best friend. Wake up in the morning and look closely at that person in the mirror. That is the physical body that hosts an amazing soul. You need to start to look at the inner self and realize that that inner self has a set of wants, needs, commitments and it will start to tell you as soon as you start to listen.

The first commitment then is to commit to becoming incredibly selfish.

Kensel Tracy is a Personal and Business Coach and Senior Partner in the Corporate Coachworkz Inc. located in Chelsea, Quebec.

His first book " The Ten Commitments to a Better Life" is available for $12.95 Canadian or U.S.funds plus shipping and handling. Get it at

His book can also be ordered by sending an email to, please allow 4 weeks. Once you place an order you will be asked to send a cheque or money order upon receipt your book will be mailed to you. That's a commitment.