I was thinking this morning about the amazing thing that Oprah is doing with Eckhart Tolle and is book "A New Earth, Awaking to Your Life's Purpose". She has been promoting this book for the past few weeks and getting people world wide to sign up for her online training program. At last count over 500,000 people world-wide had signed up. It not only shows the power of television but it also shows that the world is really in search of a new way of thinking. It also shows that there is a need for the world to change its current pattern on how it operates. A few years back I read a lot of books that talked about how humans were fed up with the merry-go-round of going to work to get money to buy things so that they could be satisfied about going to work. It was a perfect example of a world that needs to change its priorities in regards to where you are now.
Most of the people I know in Canada anyway, live in nice homes, have money, drive nice cars, complain about the weather and have pretty much everything they want. However there seems to be a general feeling of unhappiness in what most people do. Tolle's " A New Earth" is a pretty amazing book as it breaks down a lot of the myths that humans have operated under for a lot of life and starts to help people get in touch with what is important now. His other books " The Power of Now" teach, that the "now" exists in the mind and that the mind is the most important tool there is as " what you think about expands". Its this commitment to being present that will help you take the ego out of your everyday life and give you a positive mind set to allow you to accomplish what it is you want as opposed to doing what you think it is you want.
I admire my wife, Oprah and Eckhart Tolle for being " life pioneers" again and committing to making the world a better place. Now if we can only get the rest of the world to remove its historical and religious biases the world will be a better place.
Kensel Tracy is a Personal and Business Coach and author of the "The Ten Commitments to a Better Life". His book is available at Amazon.com.
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