I have been writing this blog for some time now along with about four others and its amazing how much self expression can help you have a better understanding of yourself.
One of the key reasons most humans have trouble sorting themselves out is that they have a lot of creative energy swirling around them all the time. Most people refuse to pay attention to this creative spirit. I play music, write poetry, write and generally interested in anything that has a creative soul. I believe that this creative spirit is playful,fun, supportive and extremely helpful in helping you find out about more of who you are. You just need to let it in.
In my book the " Ten Commitments to a Better Life", I have one commitment dedicated to knowing where you fit it. I truly believe that it is this creative spirit that will help you do that. The aboriginal people have many traditions including drum ceremonies which they say helps connect them to their creator. I know that there is nothing better than banging out a few assorted riffs on the keyboard with a band full on and in the pocket. How many times have you listened to classical music and been taken to a higher place. It is this creative spirit that is a work all the time.
In order to get to that place, I suggest that you commit to carrying out one act of self expression this week. For example you can write in your journal. This one act will help you develop a relationship with your self and your self expression. Try to learn a new instrument even if its a drum. Listen to the sound and how it inspires your soul.
I made a commitment to learn a new instrument every year and now play key boards, harmonica, accordion extremely well along with cowbell and triangle. I still have not mastered the guitar even though I tried various approaches over the years only to decide to focus on keyboards and leave the guitar to Eric Clapton and John Mayer.
So when your creative spirit stirs -- give it some food for thought. I cannot tell you how many times our band has played and people come up to me and say, "god I wish I could do that". I say you can. You only need to put one foot in front of the other and get started.
Kensel Tracy is a business coach that specializes in helping small, medium and large sized business grow and prosper. His book the "Ten Commitments to a Better Life" can be found at Amazon.com. For personal coaching he can be contacted at kenselt@sympatico.ca