In my morning meditation today, I was thinking about what I should write in my blog. I know for all of you out there who meditate regularly that you are not supposed to really have any thoughts and just let it happen.
I have however found that this few moments of selfish time spent in deep thought each morning is really refreshing and very nourishing to the inner and outer self. This
morning for example, I felt the connection with the great source of power. This connection is what helps human beings attract what it is they want. Its also this connection that all the great spiritual leaders over time considered as their actual conduit to god.
The power of meditation is that it slows time down. It can take 10 minutes and make if feel like an hour. I always feel that right after a good mediation, that the world is brighter and I feel more thankful and energized. I also feel that the body needs this time to reconnect with the mind which can be a really good friend or can deter you from what it is you want. The secret to getting what it is you want is to make this connection with the creator. It takes time to build; however once you find a method that works for you, you can go to that place at anytime.
So today I asked for some help in finding my next mission, some help in sending some energy to a couple of places on my body that were bothering me, shoulder, hand, and the sinus headache I felt I was developing. After 10 glorious minutes I felt energized and a whole lot better. Also the debate about what I was going to write this morning vanished, as I just sat down at the computer and here we are together.
So I think its important if you are trying to find out some of those important things in your life, you can assist yourself by going further within and connecting to the creator. This power is an amazing asset. Most religions practice prayer and meditation as part of regular routine. It is these 10-15 minutes every morning that can open the awareness door and help you to find out what it is you are searching for.
I have also setup a new morning routine, something I have been committed to now for the better part of year. It includes a coffee club, 30 minutes of laying in bed with a coffee talking with my wife. This has allowed our love to grow and to really build a powerful connection, 30 minutes of yoga using a yoga television show as the motivator. This is something I thought I would never do but now I look forward to getting out the mat and meeting Sonja every morning at 6:00 am, ( tuning out the commercials) and then a short meditation right after of 10-20 minutes depending on my time availability and then a walk.
Our walk ranges from 30-45 minutes depending on my commitments to my consulting practice in the morning. I have found this to be an amazing routine as it allows me to spend time with my wife, my inner self and my outer self. I also believe it is this time that at 55 years of age has helped me to keep feeling young and having an energized prospective on life each and every day.
So try to commit to being more in the moment, and if you are feeling a bit confused about life in general try to get some time to renew your spirit and connect with your inner self. I also have a program called " Soul Destiny". It also preaches and practices meditation along with a mediation journal. It has helped me to focus and put a few things in prospective and along the way helped me to self heal a few aches and pains. It is this connection to your inner self that can help harness your energy and your connection to the creator. It will help move you in a direction that leads you to where is you want to be. If you commit to just 10 minutes a day of mediation, great things will happen and you will be helping yourself harness the power of the universe in moving you towards finding those dreams and desires you want.
Kensel Tracy is Personal and Business Coach and author of the book, " The Ten Commitments to a Better Life". He coaches senior managers, business owners, sales and marketing professionals. He can be reached at kenselt@sympactico.ca. For information on Soul Destiny send him an email.
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