This week we discuss the prosperity scale from one to ten. First off, prosperity should be defined.
My view of prosperity is that it is made up of personal happiness and gratitude. For real prosperity, one should understand that one can be happy as long as one is living in integrity.
Integrity is a totally misunderstood thing. Integrity means being truthful and honest with yourself and those around you. It means being understanding, setting boundaries and dedicated and focused on what is right. In our modern society we have a lot of people that consider there lives to be in integrity but its mostly based on selfishness that what they are doing right for them and not those around them.
Prosperity on the other hand is about having and giving and giving freely to others. Prosperity can also focus in on telling the truth, keeping your commitments, living in integrity and making sure that you are sharing your true self with others.
How often have you walked into a room full of people and met those that are the one's that are contrived or seem to be unreal in how they discuss anything with you. Once you understand that prosperity is truth and truth leads to prosperity then you have hit ten on the prosperity scale.