As the year comes to an end its always a good time to reflect on what has been happening in your life. This is not the time to make a bunch of ill conceived new year's resolutions. In order to have the best year of your life you need to get back to that place where you feel you belong. This usually requires some form of key decision making about where you are right now, right here right now. This is a great place to start. Get yourself a planning journal.
This book should become your bible for the new year. Start with a review of where you have been in the past year and where you would like to go. Take everything just as it is, bumps and all and write it down. Develop your dream journal so you can have a few new things on the horizon. The secret is that the power of attraction will move towards you as you start to get more in integrity about where you are and where you want to go.
The dream list should point out a few new opportunities. The other keys to having your best year ever, are to believe, that what it you are looking for this year will just show up. The only thing to be aware of is that it may not happen as fast as you would like. A good trick and one that is used by a lot of zen practitioners is to participate in segment living. In other words, taking sections of the year and building them into segments. You develop a focus through concentrating on focusing on each segment of your life.
Understanding everything about where you are now, what it is you are experiencing and then fully living each and every experience. Each segment has a focus so that everything your are doing has meaning.
As soon as you have faith in what it is your are experiencing especially with the truths that you experience and accepting then what it is that is given to you. The other key is to know it will show up. The biggest issue with most people is; they usually give up thinking or manifesting what it is they want too soon. Remember the universe works on its own time.
So this year when you go into that state of depression where everything you wanted has not shown up yet, go back to your journal and start manifesting a whole lot more. When you commit to something and focus in on it, it will have a better chance of success than not committing to anything at all. Its time to manefist you best year ever.
Kensel Tracy is a small business coach and author of the Ten Commitments to a Better LIfed